The earth provides us with many vital things we need in order to survive from food, water and shelter to the very air that we breath. It is also the source of something that is very rarely talked about – an eternal and natural energy. To utilise this energy, we do what we call ‘earthing’.

So, what is earthing and what are its benefits?

What Is Earthing?

Earthing, also known as grounding, refers to the process of making physical contact with the earth in order to help stabilise bio electrical systems which in turn promote physical, mental and emotional well-being. An example of this is walking barefoot on the grass or beach.

Benefits Of Earthing

There are many benefits to earthing, a handful of which include:

  • Improved general mood
  • Increased energy levels
  • Improved sleep
  • Stress reduction
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Eliminates or substantially reduces pain and inflammation

The Science Behind Earthing

The earth is a conductor of negatively charged free electrons, as are all living things on this planet. When you come into contact with the earth, either directly via the skin or via any other conductive channel (for example water), these free electrons are taken into the body and used to help stabilise energy levels and physiological rhythms.

If it’s easier, think of the earth as a giant battery. By connecting to the battery (the earth), we can boost our energy levels.

3 Easy Ways To Earth Every Day

Modern lifestyle, particularly in the Western world, has meant that more and more people have become disconnected from the earth’s energy. The good news is that earthing provides an easy and free way to reconnect.

Here are 3 ways you can take part in earthing on a daily basis.

  • 1) Walk Barefoot Outdoors

One of the simplest ways to experience earthing outdoors is by walking barefoot on either green grass, soil or moist sand at the beach – moist ground is more conductive than dry sand or dry dirt. In fact, the beach is one of the best places for earthing as the combination of sand and salt water is highly conductive.


  • 2) Do Yoga Outside Without A Mat

Providing the weather allows you to of course, then practicing yoga outside without the use of a mat allows your hands and feet to connect with the grass, dirt or sand – a fantastic way of earthing.

Note: It is not advisable to lie down when earthing, for obvious reasons! 😴

  • 3) Gardening Without Gloves

Immersing yourself in the dirt, through gardening for example, is another great way of earthing. One of very few instances you can get messy knowing that you are benefiting from the experience!

Earthing Indoors?

For those who are unable to take part in earthing outdoors, there are many products you can purchase online such as grounding sheets, grounding footwear and grounding mats which you can use indoors within your natural daily routine.

How Long Should You Earth For?

Naturally, the longer you can earth for, the better. Some say around half an hour each day is sufficient, however, you may still notice benefits with as little as five minutes of earthing a day.

Research has shown that your body will experience changes within just 4 seconds of earthing, while after thirty minutes you may notice a reduction in stress and more warmth in your hands and feet as a result of better blood circulation.


Earthing is the process of connecting to the earth’s electrical energy in order to optimise health, thus making it one of the most natural and powerful forms of anti-inflammatory and anti-aging remedies around!

While you may not be able to see the earth’s energy, you will almost certainly be able to feel and benefit from it, regardless of your age, gender, race or health status.

Whether you’re new to earthing or someone who has implemented it for a long period of time, I’d love to know what affects you have noticed!